SMOKE (2018)
20 Minutes.
choreographic proposal: Vanessa Vargas and Mariana Alviárez
Video projections: Nela Cote
Sound design: Daniel Esparza
From the many ways in which people can disappear, by choice or force, invisibility is a social but also a political, geographical and cartographical fact. What are we to do with an unidentified body is not only a question for forensics, and in that sense, this piece explorers the notions of rootlessness, exile, and disappearing as an embodiment of invisibility, which we present not only as an internal journey, but also as a social and political phenomenon.
This piece was created/rehearsed through access to subsidized rehearsal space at the Mark Morris Dance Center, thanks to Festival Archipiélago de Movimiento, and Casa Belgrado in Buenos Aires Argentina.